Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Proud...not so proud!

Tonight after dinner, I told the kids they all needed to get in the shower/tub for baths...they have been pretty dirty. The boys take a bubble bath, the girls take a shower (one of the "perks" of being the older ones). I've decided to start working with Hammy on potty training. Maybe by the time the new one joins the family, I'll be done with diapers, except for theirs.

Well, I put Hammy on the toilet and had to hold him there so that he didn't fall right through. I just kept talking to him, "You need to try to go pee ok." He kept answering K but I'm not sure he understood just what I was saying. But, low and behold, a little tinkle came out. Man I praised that kid up and down, gave him a high five, clapped, the WHOLE nine yards!

But joyous moments can only last so long. I went in to get them washed up...and the tub is FILLED, with poop!!! Not only did he poop in the tub, but Bubba didn't tell us like he did the last time so they'd been sitting in it for who knows how long!!!! Disgusting.

Me and my week stomach could barely get the boys out and get them into my bathroom to be showered. I had Boo call in Dad so that he could help me clean out the tub...it was HORRIBLE!

My "proud of my son" moment, only last a little while, and then was shattered when I went to clean the boys up...awww to be a mom!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ewww! Has Rachael ever told you about the time Emma and Bridger pooed in her bathtub and didn't tell her until they had been sitting it for a while? Ahh, isn't mommyhood fun? LOL
