Friday, June 3, 2011

First cookout of the season!!

Finally the sun is shining and we just couldn't stay indoors any longer. It was a bit windy, but we took a drive up Greys River anyway just to enjoy some family time and some good food! I really enjoyed that NO ONE could get a hold of us and we could just have an evening for the family! It was SOOO worth it, even with the wind. Boo & Hammy around the campfire, ready to start cooking some dinner.

Scab being...Scab! :)

Bug & Bubba (it really was cold)

I tried to get close-ups of all the kids...Bubba




So this picture of Hammy is funny because he had taken about 1/4 of his smore and shoved it all in his mouth. At first he was barely able to close his mouth at all! It was funny. All the kids LOVED smores. I'm not sure Bug, Bubba or Hammy had ever had one before.

Sexy Man!

Me and my wonderful hubby!

Bubba gathering SNOW to put out the fire...yep, there was still snow right next to where we were eating.

Bug helping (I laugh every time I see this picture because of the face she's pulling)

Aww, the mighty hunter - "Squaw get-um firewood" (anyone know what that quote is from?) :)The kids in the back seat coming out of Little Greys. We thought it was cute because Bug just laid there on Bubba's shoulder! Hammy snuck in the picture as well saying "Cheese"

Couple scenery pictures, just because it was SOOOO beautiful! We live in one of the most beautiful places on earth!

Cool waterfalls we saw on the way in so on the way out we had to get pictures.

I'm only putting one picture on but this is the first of five beavers we saw. This one looked like he was the biggest. He was huge. We saw one on the side of the road too...they were cool. First beavers I've ever seen and that's what Bubba said too, "Dad, I've never seen a beaver before this! That's cool Dad!"

Sunset as we were coming out of Greys River...once again, I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world! Glad we had the sunshine to enjoy!