Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Here goes! Bare with me...please!

So, here it goes. I'm going to try and run this blog and keep everyone updated on how our little family is doing. I'm starting back a while ago but I think that's where we need to start so that all can enjoy what's going on in the kids lives. I figured I'd start about the time that I joined this wonderful family. Close to that time, Bubba & Bug started school for the first time. As you can see from the pictures, it was an exciting day!

The Best of Friends
Showing Dad their backpacks

Cheese! :)

Oh how cheesy!


  1. Yay!! Keep up the good work!! If you need, I can comment and harass you every once in a while to update... ;) Love y'all and miss ya!!

  2. I can't believe how BIG those two are getting!! WOW!!!!

  3. Love seeing what you guys are up too and seeing how big the kids are getting! You guys are doing a great job with them..Thanks for sharing, miss you all!

    Amber ~

  4. Chey, you have the cutest little kiddos, that one of them hugging is precious!!

    Thanks for the updates, this is fun to see!

  5. I can't believe they are big enough to go -- they grow up fast. I love the fact that you are blogging. This actually inspires me to start up again. Its been forever since I blogged. Better get crackin'.
