Monday, September 26, 2011


As you know, June and July are FULL of birthdays in our house. So, we'll start with Hammy.

Happy 2nd Birthday Hammy! We sure are glad you are part of our home. You bring such laughter into it!! Love you buddy!!
Opening gifts
One of his gifts was a big blue ball, you can see it at the very top of the picture.

Next is Miss Buggy's birthday on July 7th.

Happy 5th Birthday Bug! We sure love you! You definitely keep us in line in this house, what would we do without you! Love you Buggy!!

She of course wanted a pink cake. I found these really cute flower rings and that's what is on her cake.

So funny story about this little bear...Daddy doesn't like stuffed animals...for whatever reason. But I saw this cute little ballerina bear in the store and immediately thought of Bug. I knew that she would love it. So, I finally talked him into letting me get it for her from one of the kids. When she opened the gift, this is what she did...wrapped it in a huge hug and said, "My very own teddy bear!" She sleeps with that bear every night now. Sometimes you just need to listen to Mom, she really does know what she's talking about! :)

I forgot to get a picture of Hammy's but my mom has made the grandkids their own stick horse when they get to a certain age. Because my kiddos just joined the family, she made them for them this year. This was Bug's...she LOVED it!

Pure excitement looking at his horsey cake!!

Happy 4th Birthday Bubba! You keep us on our toes everyday. I'm scared to think of what you just might put us through in the next few years...I'm going to be a young gray Mom! Love you Bubba!!

Boy, that sure is true. His daddy is his best friend!! (You can see Hammy's horse in the background. It is the spotted one.)

Bubba's new pony!! Needless to say, ever since they got their horses, my house has been a rodeo. They got cowboy hats from Aunt Erin and Uncle Kenny and ever since then, they ride through the house, hats on, horses galloping, guns in's pretty funny!!

The cool cakes Aunt Erin made for them! Thanks Aunt Erin!

I'll have to post pictures later of Scab's birthday...we did a birthday party for him but of course the one thing I forgot was my camera so when I get all the pictures from everyone else, I'll get them posted!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I wouldn't call them cool by any means! Ace of Cakes definitely won't be calling me any time soon. :) But Bug and Bubba liked them, that's all that matters. Thanks for letting me experiment on them with my non-existant baking skills!
